now that I'm done, I'm in the middle, and sick of being with myself the way myself used to be about 6 months ago
I can feel it sucking me from the jaw down to my feet, across my chest, rotting my hands, stealing the gloss away from what is outside my door
the truth is I am afraid of life, as boring as that sounds, afraid of conversations that lead to questions- I have idea what to even say anymore
numb effects of one trying to become what one clearly is not
loser again, is it ok to do that
I can feel it sucking me from the jaw down to my feet, across my chest, rotting my hands, stealing the gloss away from what is outside my door
the truth is I am afraid of life, as boring as that sounds, afraid of conversations that lead to questions- I have idea what to even say anymore
numb effects of one trying to become what one clearly is not
loser again, is it ok to do that