estoy loca
in la manana
en la noche
azul con mis lagrimas
mis deseos tirados a
mis pies
me arrastras
tus ojos aguados
la mano extendio
yo le puedo oir
mi caveza es suya
somos el mismo
I am crazy
in the morning
in the night
blue with my tears
my desires thrown about
my feet
you are dragging me
with your eyes watered
your hand outstretched
I can hear you
my head is yours
we are the same
in la manana
en la noche
azul con mis lagrimas
mis deseos tirados a
mis pies
me arrastras
tus ojos aguados
la mano extendio
yo le puedo oir
mi caveza es suya
somos el mismo
I am crazy
in the morning
in the night
blue with my tears
my desires thrown about
my feet
you are dragging me
with your eyes watered
your hand outstretched
I can hear you
my head is yours
we are the same