exploring with joseph and isabelle
we saw a green worm, suspended by an invisible string, holding a silk ball, but joseph said it was an egg, he knows things like this, I don't
we saw a cardinal, but I think that it saw us first, and I saw it as a sign from my Mom, she was watching us, she sent her favorite bird ever to watch us play.
and that is life right now, a very deep pain, and surviving under the swift supervision of nature.
we saw a green worm, suspended by an invisible string, holding a silk ball, but joseph said it was an egg, he knows things like this, I don't
we saw a cardinal, but I think that it saw us first, and I saw it as a sign from my Mom, she was watching us, she sent her favorite bird ever to watch us play.
and that is life right now, a very deep pain, and surviving under the swift supervision of nature.