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a letter to each of you.

I'm so happy I catalogued each of your looks as they progressed.  I have rested my head in my palm for half hours, just documenting each eyelash, the plump of your cheeks, the sweet slice of chubbiness under your chin.  I've told you how much I love your teeth, and studied strands of hair.  I know the exact brown of your eyes, every little amber fleck, and I love as they grow lighter as you laugh, and dark chocolate when you get frustrated.  how the light in the room looks for you.  and the look in your eye when you're about to jump and make my heart drop out of my own chest.  but it's always too late when I say no.  and you always land.  all of this is called love.  and I want to say thank you for letting me be your auntie.   Love,  nano