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Showing posts from July, 2006

to my life here

moving from old apt to new one in two days. and I want to honor my life here for the past 5yrs. if this place has a soul, if this place was flesh, maybe it would be I don't know sad that we're leaving. so to my home now, I hold in honor all your creeks and pulls and push the sounds that happen as you settle in accepting me as a nude accepting me as I write/create and saying goodbye to us.


celebrating my youngest sibling's birthday: 1. the two of us 2. guiness & gin 3. pool table, many accidents 4. people to make fun of 5. TX heat 6. friends we love

right now I love

as far as my laundry goes, that I had the good sense, which is unlike me, to buy a big jug of extra stain remover - this way I'm not fucked when I find tomato gunk around the tit area of like everything I own. I love that I have tried a new laundry detergent- it is addicting to me, smelling of gardenias, I'm intoxicated. and I love the softner sheets, although I use so many per load, that my clothes are slippery, I could actually spin inside my shirts- if I were so inclined.

Palermo in the afternoon

I kept meaning to thank tammy for having lunch with me at the lovely Italian restaurant -staring at her hair across the table, wishing I could live inside it for one day. -and I got to meet for the first time an older, beautiful, French gentlemen, waiting our table, I hung on his every word, and sniffed the air that came from his smoky, cologned skin.