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Showing posts from June, 2006


each day I see this guy - on my way home from work. he's this odd young man, he wears a wife-beater, long shorts, bandana, but that's not the odd thing. . . . he dons a yellow snake with faint brownish spots around his neck. a fat snake, really long too. in his right hand, a leash, attached to a pit bull. they all seem to froth at the mouth. today he looked me right in the eye, even though I'm in my car making a right hand turn as speedy as possible. and I what I want is to get rid of that image. odd huh.

the same cardinal?

monday: at the park with my Joseph. he picked up two large branches to clear the brush ahead- and off we went to explore trails by the muddy river. I watched as he climbed down to see a turtle and to watch him comtemplate life he's only 9, and he sits on a rock by the water, with his soft face in a small palm and I wonder what he is thinking of course, but I don't ask because I think he was on that rock belonging to himself that is a life lesson very early in life old soul that he is as we exited the park, we saw another cardinal, or maybe the same one. Joseph saw it first - and I know this sounds reduntant, but I know my mother's spirit was there again